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Eckersley, R. 2023. How do we know what is true? In an age of war, pandemic and conspiracy theory, it’s not easy. Salon, 21 May. Paper

Eckersley, R. 2022. Culture, progress and the future: Can the West survive its own myths? Salon, 28 August. Paper.

Eckersley, R. 2022. Invisible force: Why culture matters. (Original, longer, unpublished version of Salon essay above.) Paper.

Futurepod interview about my life and work. 8 May 2022. Podcast.

Eckersley, R. 2022. America’s deepest and most dangerous divide isn’t between Democrats and Republicans. Salon, 16 January 2022 (This is the published version of the preprints available below). Paper.

Eckersley, R. 2021. The deepening divide between America’s people and its mainstream politics and media. December (preprint). This is a revised version of the paper below. Paper.

Eckersley, R. 2021. The chasm between America’s people and its mainstream politics and media: Was Trump a missed opportunity? October (preprint). Paper.

Eckersley, R., Randle, M. 2020. Public perceptions of future threats to humanity: why they matter. In R. Slaughter, A. Hines (eds). The knowledge base of future studies. Association of Professional Futurists and Foresight International. Chapter. 

Eckersley, R. 2019. Closing the gap between the science and politics of progress: Science’s greatest challenge. Social Indicators Research, vol. 141, pp. 919-929. Paper.

Randle, M., Eckersley, R., Miller L. 2017. Societal and personal concerns, their associations with stress, and the implications for progress and the future. Futures, vol. 93, pp.68-79. Paper.

Eckersley, R. M. 2016. Is the West Really the Best? Modernisation and the Psychosocial Dynamics of Human Progress and Development. Oxford Development Studies, vol.44, no. 3, pp.349-365. Paper.

Randle, M., Eckersley, R. 2015. Public perceptions of future threats to humanity and different societal responses: A cross-national study. Futures, vol. 72, pp. 4-16. Full paper.

Eckersley, R. 2015. Measuring the public interest. In B Douglas, J Wodak (eds.) Who speaks for and protects the public interest in Australia? Canberra: Australia21, pp.18-19. Article.

Eckersley, R. 2014. Subjective well-being and the mismeasure of progress. In A Podger and D Trewin (eds). Measuring and Promoting Well-Being: How Important is Economic Growth? Essays in honour of Ian Castles AO and a selection of Castles’ papers. Canberra: ANU ePress and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Paper.

Eckersley, R. 2014. Psychosocial dynamics model of progress. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-being Research. Dordecht: Springer Netherlands. Paper.

Eckersley, R. 2013. Repairing and preparing Australia’s landscapes for global change: Why we must do much more. Canberra: Australia21 Ltd. Report.

Eckersley, R. 2013. Backs to the future: The psychosocial dynamics of the global emergency. In B. Douglas (Ed), Placing global change on the Australian election agenda: Essays on vital issues that are being ignored. June, 2013. Canberra: Australia21, pp. 20-22. Article.

Eckersley, R. 2013. Subjective wellbeing: Telling only half the story. A commentary on Diener et al. (2012). Theory and validity of life satisfaction scales. Social Indicators Research. Published Online First, 3 April 2013. Full paper.

Eckersley, R. 2009. Is the West really the best? Measuring the progress of societies, issue 5, May 2, pp. 9-11, OECD, Paris. Article.

Eckersley R. 2009. Population measures of subjective wellbeing: How useful are they? Social Indicators Research, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 1-12. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2008. Wretched or contented? The politics of past life. Journal of Futures Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 87-92. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2007. What’s wrong with the official future? In Hassan G (Ed). After Blair: Politics After the New Labour Decade. Lawrence and Wishart in conjunction with Compass, London, pp.172-84. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2006. Progress, sustainability and human wellbeing: Is a new worldview emerging? International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, vol. 1, no.4, pp. 306-317. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2005. The quality of life. In Saunders P, Walter J (Eds). Ideas and Influence: Social Science and Public Policy in Australia. UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 198-218. Full paper.

Cummins RA, Eckersley R, Pallant J, Van Vugt J, Misajon R. 2003, Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing: The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index. Social Indicators Research, vol. 64, pp. 159-190. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2002. Bjorn Lomborg’s The Skeptical Environmentalist: a sociocultural perspective (commentary). Global Change and Human Health, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 55-57. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2001. Postmodern science: The decline or liberation of science? In Stocklmayer S, Gore M, Bryant C (Eds). Science Communication in Theory and Practice. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 83-94. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2001, Economic progress, social disquiet: the modern paradox. Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 89-97. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2000. The mixed blessings of material progress: Diminishing returns in the pursuit of happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 267-292. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2000. The state and fate of nations: Implications of subjective measures of personal and social quality of life. Social Indicators Research, vol. 52, pp. 3-27. Full paper.

Eckersley, R. 1999. Quality of life in Australia: An analysis of public perceptions. Discussion paper no. 23, September. The Australia Institute, Canberra. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1999. Reply to: Saunders P, In defence of progress: A response to Richard Eckersley. Family  Matters no. 52, Autumn, pp. 42-46. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1998. Redefining progress: Shaping the future to human needs. Family Matters, no. 51, Spring/Summer, pp. 6-12. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1998. Perspectives on progress: Economic growth, quality of life and ecological sustainability. In Eckersley R (Ed). Measuring Progress: Is Life Getting Better? CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 3-34. Full paper. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1989. Regreening Australia – the environmental, economic and social benefits of reforestation. Occasional paper no. 3, CSIRO, Canberra. Full report.

Eckersley R. 1987. Australian attitudes to science and technology and the future. Australian Commission for the Future, Melbourne. Full report.