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Eckersley, R. 2023. More young people are struggling and there is no quick fix. Why being young is getting worse. Salon, 16 September. Essay.

Eckersley, R. 2012. The denial behind youth suicide. Croakey, 19 September (recently added to site). Article.

*Eckersley, R. 2011. A new narrative of young people’s health and wellbeing. Journal of Youth Studies, vol.14, no. 5, pp. 627-638 Full paper.

*Eckersley, R. 2011. Troubled youth: an island of misery in an ocean of happiness, or the tip of an iceberg of suffering? Early Intervention in Psychiatry, vol. 5 (suppl 1), pp. 6-11. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2010. Commentary on Trzesniewski and Donnellan (2010): A transdisciplinary perspective on young people’s wellbeing. Perspectives on Psychological Science, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 76-80. Full paper.

*Eckersley R. 2009.The health and well-being of young Australians: Patterns, trends, explanations and responses. In DL Bennett, SJ Towns, EL Elliott, J Merrick (Eds). Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective. Nova Science, New York, pp. 3-19. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2009. Progress, culture and young people’s wellbeing. In A. Furlong (Ed). Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood: New Perspectives and Agendas. Routledge, London, pp. 353-360. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2009. Teaching happiness: hope or hype? Unpublished article based on keynote address to the First Australian Positive Psychology in Education Symposium, May 2009, Sydney University. Article.

*Eckersley R. 2008. Values and visions – youth and the failure of modern western culture. Youth Studies Australia, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 10-19 (reprint of 1995 article). Full paper.  See also: Points of view, Youth Studies Australia, vol 14, no 2, Winter 1995, pp. 46-52. Paper. (Archived with permission of journal, which retains copyright.)

*Eckersley R. 2008. Never better – or getting worse? The health and wellbeing of young Australians.Australia 21 Ltd, Canberra. Full report.

*Eckersley R, Cahill H, Wierenga A., Wyn J. 2007. Generations in dialogue about the future: the hopes and fears of young Australians. Australia 21 Ltd, Canberra; Australian Youth Research Centre, Melbourne. Full report.

Eckersley R. 2007.The health and wellbeing of young Australians: present patterns and future challenges. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, vol. 19. no. 3, pp. 217-227. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2007. Young people’s wellbeing and the contemporary search for meaning. Journal of Religious Education, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 41-44. Full paper.

*Eckersley R, Wierenga A, Wyn J. 2006. Flashpoints and signposts: Pathways to success and wellbeing for Australia’s young people. Australia 21 Ltd, Canberra; Australian Youth Research Centre and VicHealth, Melbourne. Full report.

Eckersley, R. 2006. Cultural dimensions of youth suicide. In D De Leo, H Herrman, S Ueda & T Takeshima (eds). An Australian-Japanese perspective on suicide prevention: culture, community and care. Symposium papers, 24-26 November 2004. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, pp. 143-157. Full paper.

Eckersley R, Wierenga A, Wyn J. 2005. Life in a time of uncertainty: optimising the health and wellbeing of young Australians. Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 183, no. 8, pp.402-404. Full paper.

*Eckersley R. 2004. Separate selves, tribal ties and other stories: making sense of different accounts of youth. Family Matters, no. 68, winter, pp. 36-42. Full paper.

*Eckersley R, Dear K. 2002. Cultural correlates of youth suicide. Social Science & Medicine, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 1891-1904Full paper.

Eckersley R. 2002. Taking the prize or paying the price? Young people and progress, in Rowling L, Martin G, Walker, L (Eds). Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. McGraw-Hill, Sydney, pp. 70-83Full paper.

*Eckersley R. 2002. Future visions, social realities and private lives: Young people and their personal well-being. In Gidley J, Inayatullah S (Eds). Youth Futures: Comparative Research and Transformative Visions. Praeger, Westport, Conn, pp. 31-41. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1999. What the !#&* have values got to do with anything! Young people, youth culture and well-being. Social Alternatives, vol. 18. no. 2, April, pp. 29-32, (based on chapter in Australian Youth Subcultures). Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1999. What the !#&* have values got to do with anything! Young people, youth culture and well-being. In White R. (Ed). Australian Youth Subcultures: On the Margins and in the Mainstream. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, Hobart, pp. 209-221. Full paper.

*Eckersley R. 1999. Dreams and expectations: Young people’s expected and preferred futures and their significance for education. Futures, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 73-90. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1998. Rising psychosocial problems among young people: Historical myth or contemporary reality? Family Matters, no. 50, Winter, pp. 50-52. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1998. It’s all news – making and remaking the myths of youth, Youth Studies Australia, vol. 17, no. 1, March, pp. 25-27. Full paper. (Archived with permission of  journal, which retains copyright.)

Eckersley R. 1997. Psychosocial disorders in young people: On the agenda but not on the mend. Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 166, no. 8, pp. 423-424. Full paper.

*Eckersley R. 1997. Portraits of youth – understanding young people’s relationship with the future. Futures, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 243-249. Full paper.

Eckersley R. 1996. Dreams and expectations: Young Australians’ views of the future. Youth Studies Australia, vol. 15, no. 3, September, pp. 11-17. Full paper.  (Archived with permission of journal, which retains copyright.)

*Eckersley R. 1995. Values and visions – youth and the failure of modern western culture. Youth Studies Australia, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 13-21 (reprinted 2008). Full paper.   See also: Points of view, Youth Studies Australia, vol 14, no 2, Winter 1995, pp. 46-52. Paper. (Archived with permission of journal, which retains copyright.)

Eckersley R. 1993. Failing a generation: The impact of culture on the health and well-being of youth. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, vol. 29, Suppl. 1, pp. S16-S19.

*Eckersley R. 1992. Youth and the challenge to change. Apocalypse? No! Essay series no. 1 .Australian Commission for the Future, Melbourne. Full Report.

*Eckersley R. 1988. Casualties of change – the predicament of youth in Australia. Australian Commission for the Future, MelbourneFull report.